City of Elkins Spring Cleanup time! Wednesday April 7th and Thursday, April 8th. A Highland Meadows perk of living within city limits! This is an opportunity to put out bulky trash items on your curb for the city to pick up. Highland Meadows is in the city’s...
Prices have been reduced on all lots this spring! Contact Brent Kepner at (304) 636-5400 or [email protected] for information on lots or Heather Croson at (717) 439-8763 or [email protected] for information about building at Highland...
Mar 30, 2021
Spec House under construction at Highland Meadows. Ready in 2021. Contact us...
Winter is coming! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a snow and frost-free car on those cold winter days? Our spec house has an attached garage to keep your car safe and...